Pheww. Balloons in movies.

Started by Signeddiamond, May 14, 2012, 08:05:10 AM

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Had an interesting experience this week. I was invited to be an extra in a indie horror comedy flick they are shooting around my area. Needless to say once I let slip that I did balloons my role quickly became "guy that twists balloons".

I spent the morning throwing together a bunch of stuff lazily and watching the crew run by as my pile grew larger. At around noon my scene was up. I was placed in a snazzy cowboy outfit and set on the porch with a handful of kids that would have balloons as the camera panned past through the door.

It is worth mentioning that this was the hottest day we have had in the last 2 years so as take after take went by I grew more annoyed that my balloons were losing their luster and feeling more and more cheap. It quickly became a moment I regretted and I hope it finds itself on the cutting room floor.

On a brighter note I made a bunch of larger pieces for the dusk hula party scene and they went along great up in the shot. I was not in that scene but it sure will be swell to see my balloons looking good on the big screen.

Oh and I met Doug Jones! You know him right? Course you do.



Hi Dylan,

I never got any balloons in it, but last year I was filming "Dark Shaddows" the new Tim Burton/Johnny Depp film that is just out.

I am in the background a fair bit in the town scenes, but you can see me quite prominant in the establishing shot of the town, and by Eva Green's big red car when she drives into the town.  :D
Kind regards

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The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat healthily, and lie about your age.


what's the title of the movie?
Keep Smiling!